Two weeks isn’t enough
Sign our open letter for better paternity leave now:
About us
The Dad Shift is a group of men, dads and co-parents campaigning for better paternity leave in the UK
The UK’s pat leave problem
The UK’s statutory paternity leave is bad. Really bad. In fact, it’s the worst in Europe.
Dads and other co-parents get only two weeks off, paid at less than £185 a week.
There’s now loads of evidence that this is bad for everyone: mums, dads, kids, and society as a whole.
Worst in Europe!
We are calling for paternity leave that is:
Gives dads enough time off to support their partner and bond with their kids, without taking leave away from mums.
Is paid at a rate that means everyone can afford to take it.
Gives both parents equal leave, so mums and dads are free to shape their own roles in the family, not have them dictated by gender.
Here’s what you can do
Labour has said they’ll review pat leave in their first year in office. If we’re going to influence the review and get the best deal possible, we need thousands of men and dads to add our voices to the Dad Shift campaign. Start by signing our open letter now:
Lots of employers offer extra maternity leave, but extra paternity leave is much less common. So we’re going to help people win better pat leave policies at their company. Let us know if you’re interested in taking part and we’ll be in touch soon:
It’s not the 1950s anymore
The evidence is clear - proper pat leave is:
Good for mums
Reduces the gender pay gap and rates of postpartum depression
Good for dads
Leads to better bonding with our kids and happier, healthier lives
Good for children
Improves kids’ wellbeing and performance at school
Donate to the campaign
The Dad Shift team are 100% unpaid. But we need to raise funds to reach more people and grow the impact of the campaign. Can you chip in a few pounds now?
This is a fight for all co-parents
We’re campaigning for substantial, affordable and equal leave for both parents in every relationship - same-sex, heterosexual, or adoptive.